6 Best Vertical Climbers in 2023

Do you need the best vertical climber? We’ve got you covered and created a list of the top vertical climbers on the market. This guide will help you choose the best vertical climbers for home use in 2023 based on your budget, fitness goals, body weight, and available home space.

A vertical climber is a piece of exercise equipment that simulates climbing for the user.

Equipment for vertical climbing has a mechanism that allows for different resistance levels and slopes or steepness. The highest might resemble climbing a cliff, while the lowest might resemble scaling a boulder.

Compared to other gym equipment, vertical climbers have a relatively smaller footprint and work the entire body. The majority will have an integrated display that, among other things, shows heart rate, distance, and calories burned.

6 Best Vertical Climbers In 2023

Below is a brief list of the top vertical climbers on the market.

#1 Best Vertical Climber: Hurbo Vertical Climber

Vertical climbers


Since it requires less investment for someone just starting, the Hurbo Vertical Climber is the best vertical climber for beginners. If you purchase it and enjoy the workout, consider upgrading. This climbing apparatus targets your glutes, legs, arms, and core while using your body weight for a full-body exercise.

Because of its foldable, lightweight, and ergonomic design, it’s simple to set up and store almost anywhere in your house. It is made of alloy steel and has a digital LCD display with time, speed, distance, and calories burned information. It has tiny foot pedals, which might be bothersome for people who like a big, sturdy foot-pad.


  • Budget-friendly
  • LCD screen
  • Height adjustable
  • Ergonomic design


  • No adjustable resistance
  • Small foot-pads

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#2 Best Vertical Climber: Sole Fitness CC81 Cardio Climber

Woman exercising on vertical climberWith lots of variety, the Sole Fitness CC81 Cardio Climber offers a total-body workout. You can choose between high-intensity and rest periods using the machine’s resistance dial, and it has a sound system to motivate you as you work out.

Holders for water bottles and tablets are useful additions. Several users can customize the machine to their needs thanks to the four height settings on the adjustable handlebars. The climber has a chest strap and a heart rate monitor as well.

You can purchase a one-year Studio membership with your climber or try out Studio for 90 days without paying for membership first. With Studio, you can access dozens of programs and over 3,000 workout routines. A leaderboard supported by the community allows you to earn FITCOIN and exchange it for rewards, which keeps you motivated.


  • Generous 400-pound maximum weight
  • Easy-to-use resistance dial
  • Adjustable handlebars with four height settings


  • Studio membership is $199 per year or $19.99 per month
Unfortunately this vertical climber is out of stock. Please check the other options on this list.

#3 Best Vertical Climber: MaxiClimber Vertical Climber

vertical climber


Although the MaxiClimber Vertical Climber lacks some of the more sophisticated features of competitors, it still offers a low-impact cardio workout. The climber is reasonably priced because it lacks sophisticated features.

This entry-level machine weighs only 33 pounds, making it lightweight and foldable for storage. Due to its compact design, you can easily store the climber once you’re finished using it in a room corner if you live in a small space.

This climber is delivered 90% assembled. Since the machine uses body weight as resistance, there is no way to change it, but it still offers a good workout. To assist you in keeping track of your workouts, the climber comes with a battery-operated step counter.

The free MaxiClimber Fitness App, accessible for iOS and Android, can also be downloaded. It offers 21-day interval training, on-demand fitness coaching, and a 21-day meal plan with over 80 recipes.


  • It weighs just 33 pounds and folds up for storage
  • Free app with recipes, coaching, and an interval program
  • Battery-powered step counter helps you to track your progress


  • Requires some assembly
  • No resistance adjustments

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#4 Best Vertical Climber: Sportsroyals Stair Stepper and Vertical Climber

Stair stepper


Despite their small size, the Sportsroyals Stair Stepper and Vertical Climber have all the features you need for a quality workout. Steel springs designed to lessen the impact on your knees and ankles work with wear-resistant pulleys to reduce friction for a quiet and comfortable workout.

You can find the most comfortable position because the handle height can be adjusted in five increments between 3.9 and 19.7 inches. Suction cups along the base help keep the machine stable while creating a safe and sturdy base while you climb. A simple LCD monitor is also included with the climber, allowing you to monitor important data like speed, distance, time, and calories burned.

The vertical climber folds up when you’re finished using it to conserve space. It weighs only 32 pounds and is made of steel alloy, making it strong and lightweight. Because of its lightweight construction, it is simple to put it in a closet or a room corner for effective storage.


  • It folds up for easy storage
  • Adjustable handle height levels
  • Springs and pulleys minimize friction


  • No resistance adjustment
  • Basic LCD monitor

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#5 Best Vertical Climber: Relife Rebuild Your Life Vertical Climber

 vertical climber


The Relife Rebuild Your Life Vertical Climber might be the best option if you want to buy a vertical climber but have a small space. When you finish your workout, this climber folds up to 72 inches x 28 inches x 16.1 inches, taking up very little floor space. The climber weighs 43 pounds and can be stowed away in a closet or a corner.

Despite being one of the lightest climbers, this machine is stable and robust thanks to its steel frame. Your center of gravity is also brought close to the machine by the slight incline of the pedals, which is intended to make you feel more stable.

The five adjustable levels allow you to change the degree of difficulty of your workout, and the high-density anti-slip foam handles are made to provide you with a secure grip.


  • Lightweight at just 43 pounds
  • Easily folds up for storage
  • Five adjustable intensity levels


  • Minimal features

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#6 Best Vertical Climber: CrossClimber

Woman exercising on vertical climber


Switching between the cross and straight climbing modes on this full-body climbing machine is as simple as flipping the handlebars. Full-sized handlebars provide a better grip and enable you to place your hands in the most comfortable climbing position.

The CrossClimber uses body weight resistance, which means you are lifting your entire body weight with each push, unlike other machines that provide artificial resistance. That results in a more natural way to exercise.

The CrossClimber also has an attached digital display that keeps track of your workout’s duration and speed, number of strokes, and calories burned. Even when sweating, the climber will stay in place thanks to a steel frame and double-locking knobs.


  • The handles are made of aircraft aluminum to prevent slipping
  • The sturdy steel frame can withstand vigorous exercise


  • Only covered by a one-year warranty

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Unfortunately this vertical climber is out of stock. Please check the other options on this list.


Aspects To Consider When Buying the Best Vertical Climber

With so many options for vertical climbers, it’s critical to know what to look for to identify a high-quality machine. Finding the ideal vertical climber for you can be easier by reducing the available options.


The simplest vertical climbers rely on gravity and your body for resistance. They can give you a good workout, but you decide how intense you want your exercise to be. Higher-quality machines have different resistance settings that let you intensify your workouts. Having the option to adjust the resistance can keep each workout challenging even as you get stronger and fitter while also advancing toward your fitness goals.


You’ll need to be able to move your exercise gear with ease if your home gym is a corner of your living room or office. Even if you have a dedicated gym area in your garage or basement, choosing a portable vertical climber makes it simpler to reorganize the area as necessary.

Think about a machine’s overall weight and your ability to move it. Machines can range from less than 100 pounds to several hundred pounds. Many vertical climbers have wheels to make them easier to move. If you have limited space, you might want to think about one of the foldable models to put in a closet or a corner once you’re done exercising.

Build Quality

All exercise equipment should be solid and well-made, but because climbing machines require so much movement, this is especially true. Without the machine rattling or restricting you, you want to be able to exert as much force as you can. Additionally, a sturdy, well-built machine will look better, which is crucial for large home gym equipment.


Modifying a climbing machine to fit your height and degree of exertion is crucial. For the best workout, look for devices with adjustable sizes. Additionally, look for equipment with adjustable resistance, enabling you to progress by adding strengthening and more challenging cardio.


Personal preference is the most significant factor in determining the most crucial features. Some climbers use body weight, while others use adjustable resistance. Others have smaller pedals, while others have footpads that support the entire foot. On the other hand, some are made to stay put, while others are simple to fold. It is crucial to comprehend your preferences and the dimensions of your space to choose the best vertical climber for you.

The vertical climber you purchase should generally adjust the height to accommodate people of all sizes. You want it to have a smooth stride and to be solid and long-lasting.


It’s crucial to take note of your climber’s weight, particularly if you intend to move it around your house or store it between workouts. This list’s top vertical climbers weigh between 33 and 265 pounds. Choose a climber on the lighter end of the weight spectrum if you want something simple to transport and store. A heavier climber has advantages if you intend to keep it exactly where you set it up because they are typically more sturdy, long-lasting, and equipped with more sophisticated features.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Best Vertical Climber

1) Can you use a vertical climber to gain muscle?

Yes, using a vertical climber to work your lower body, upper body, and core combines cardio, aerobic, and strength training. Building muscle can be beneficial for all three areas.

2) What muscles does a vertical climber work?

Vertical climbers exercise your arms, back, chest, core, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. You can change your grip to work different upper body muscles. For instance, an overhand grip targets your upper back, while an underhand grip targets your biceps.

3) Are vertical climbers effective for shedding pounds?

Absolutely! Since a vertical fitness climber works your entire body, you burn many calories and lose weight quickly.

In addition, a vertical climber will help you gain strength and build muscle, which will boost your metabolism and activate your growth hormones—a potent combination for burning fat!

This is why using a vertical climber to lose weight is more efficient than walking or running.


Stair climbers can give you more energy and strengthen the muscles in your lower body when used correctly and consistently. If you purchase a stair climber, discuss any pre-existing medical issues with your doctor and give adequate time to rest and recover between workouts.

We hope our guide and reviews of the top vertical climbing machines helped you choose the option that best satisfies your requirements and budget.

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