5 Best Treadmills For Home Use (2023 Update)

If you’re in the market for the best treadmills for home use, there are a few key features to look for. The top home treadmills are practical in size, have powerful motors, and come with useful features for workout guidance, fitness tracking, and entertainment.

It’s a good idea to prioritize treadmills that you believe are versatile enough to meet all of your household members’ fitness needs and that are also quiet enough to operate without causing too much noise disturbance since the treadmill will be in your home at all times.

Searching but unsure of where to begin? We’ve compiled a list of the top home treadmills available right now, taking into account important elements like cost, functionality, and unique features.

In addition, we’ve chosen the top treadmill in each category if you’re looking for a particular kind of machine, such as the best home treadmill with incline training or the best model for interactive streaming, to help you narrow your search. We’ve also got some options that price in under $1000, so if you’re looking for the best home treadmill under $1000, we’ve got you covered.

What are the 5 best treadmills for home use?

Please take a look at our top picks below.

1) Sole Fitness F85

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With the Sole Fitness F85 treadmill, you can set the pace whether you’re preparing for your next race, a marathon, or a morning jog. You can increase your speed from a brisk walk to a full sprint at 12 miles per hour thanks to the machine’s front and back rollers and powerful 4.0 horsepower (HP) motor. With up to 15 incline levels, you can up the ante. You can change speed and incline via the center console by pressing a button on the side rails. Coming in at number one on our list, with 15 different incline levels, this is going to be the best home treadmill with incline options.

You can choose from various preset and streamed workouts with the F85’s programming. For example, select a pre-planned HIIT, hill, or fat-burning workout, or use STUDIO to stream a class on-demand to the 10.1-inch touchscreen. Instead, you can use screen mirroring or pre-configured streaming services to stream your preferred TV show. When everything is finished, fold the F85 and store it for later.

Pros & Cons

  • Offers preset programs along with streaming capabilities
  • Fast 4.0 horsepower motor for extra speed
  • 15 incline levels
  • Foldable design
  • Higher investment price
  • STUDIO membership requires an additional fee

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2) Echelon Fitness Stride

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This design focuses on convenience and simple storage. After a stroll or jog, you can exit the Echelon, step on a pedal, and watch as the console and handrails lower themselves into the track. Then, lift the small, sleek design off the ground and against the wall. The Echelon has 12 incline levels and a top speed of 12 miles per hour when in use. With 12 different incline levels, this is one of the best home treadmill with incline. While it doesn’t have as many levels as the first one on our list, it comes pretty close and at a much cheaper price.

This thinness is unusual for treadmills, which usually omit features like a shock-absorbing running deck, which is vital for bone and muscle health. However, Echelon created a small treadmill with lots of padding and support.

But the Echelon’s membership content feature is the other noteworthy attribute that propelled it to the top of this ranking.

Eight programmable cardio workouts are available on its console. In addition, you can use your smart device to access any of Echelon’s 3,000 on-demand treadmill workouts and 40+ daily classes (with a membership).

Pros & Cons

  • It folds to just 10 inches tall, making it easy for quick storage
  • On-demand classes featuring scenic workouts available daily
  • Built for walking and running
  • The incline is limited to 10 levels
  • Only one year warranty on parts and electronics


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3) Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7603 Treadmill

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Although the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7603 treadmill has some limitations, it is incredibly affordable on Amazon. In addition, the model on the market with the narrowest belt still provides a smooth operation ideal for walking or the occasional run on days when the weather is unfavorable.

The machine’s motor has a 9 mph maximum speed, and to change the incline, you must exit the machine and move a lever under the deck. The SF-T7603 is a folding model with a soft drop system that simplifies folding and unfolding. Additionally, it has nine pre-programmed workouts and an easy-to-read LCD screen that shows vital information like workout time, distance, calories burned, and speed.

This treadmill is perfect for those seeking a straightforward machine without any additional bells and whistles. It is also excellent for those who want a simple treadmill to use and manage and doesn’t require sophisticated features like a touchscreen or built-in workout programs.

Additionally, with a top speed of 9 mph, it’s ideal for those who don’t intend to use the treadmill for strenuous workouts or to run. The Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7603 might be the best option if you value affordability and simplicity.

Pros & Cons

  • Not too expensive
  • Hundreds of five-star reviews on Amazon
  • Great for walking and light jogging
  • Maximum speed is only 9 mph
  • Narrow belt


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4)  Assault Fitness AssaultRunner Pro

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The AssaultRunner Pro has a 3.0 HP continuous-duty motor that can reach up to 14 mph with a 15% incline. Due to this, it can be used by users of all skill levels, regardless of whether they are experienced runners or are just beginning their fitness journey.

Additionally, with the incline feature, you can change up your workout and focus on various muscle groups while lessening the impact on your joints thanks to the cushioned deck.

Due to its outstanding features, dependability, high caliber, and affordable price, the Assault Fitness AssaultRunner Pro Treadmill is a top contender for the title of the best-curved treadmill. The display has many built-in training programs and is UV-resistant and in high contrast, making it easy to read inside and outside.

In addition, the transport wheels make it simple to move as needed, and the built-in handles provide additional support.

The frame is solid steel, making it incredibly sturdy and with hardware that resists corrosion. With 100 precision ball bearings and 12 roller guides, the drivetrain system is designed to last up to 150,000 miles of use. In addition, the AssaultRunner Pro treadmill’s low-impact construction aids in injury prevention and encourages good form while you exercise.

The belt’s capacity to respond to your strike force, hip position, and posture are some of its best qualities. However, some users might view the machine’s heavyweight and feeble warranty as inconvenient.

If you’re looking for a top-notch, robust, and adaptable treadmill, the Assault Fitness AssaultRunner Pro is a great choice. It offers a complete workout environment and gives you the resources you need to reach your fitness objectives.

Pros & Cons

  • Bluetooth and ANT+ connectivity
  • Offers built-in training programs
  • Sweat-resistant hand grips
  • Transport wheels
  • Relatively expensive
  • Weak warranty


Unfortunately the AssaultRunner Pro is out of stock. An alternative to consider is the AssaultFitness AirRunner which is $3799

5)  XTERRA Fitness TR150 Folding Treadmill

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It’s wonderful to find a reasonably priced treadmill that doesn’t skimp on quality, and that’s what you get with this Xterra model.

Plenty of onboard activities keep you occupied, and there is even an incline feature at this price. Although the degree is small and only manual, a slight incline can improve your workout.

Although you might be able to use the 50″ x 16″ running deck for a light run if you have a small frame, it is best for walking or jogging.

Direct access speed keys allow you to easily control your workout while a clear 5″ LCD console shows your running metrics. Up to 10 MPH speeds are possible, and the motor is quiet to allow for uninterrupted TV viewing or content streaming.

Pros & Cons

  • Clear 5″ LCD console shows all of your running metrics
  • The motor is quiet to allow for uninterrupted TV viewing or content streaming
  • Quite small, and it is only manual


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Factors To Consider When Choosing The Best Treadmill For Home Use

How do you choose the best treadmill for your home and workout when so many options are available? It must be strong and durable because, as a mechanical system, it must withstand much physical abuse daily. But there are also a lot of other things to take into account.


A noisy treadmill is not a good idea if you share space with others or live above or below others. However, if you live in a building with multiple apartments, choosing a reduced noise option will keep your neighbors happy and make for a more pleasurable workout.


Your treadmill’s dimensions are important for the space it will be placed in and the activities you intend to perform. Remember that walkers have a shorter gait and stride than runners when using the machine. So while a treadmill with a belt about 50 inches long will work for walkers, runners need at least 60 inches. You’ll also need to allow yourself about 6 feet of space behind the treadmill and 2 to 3 feet on either side to account for and sway while it’s used to get on and off your fancy new equipment safely.

Safety Features

Any gym equipment you buy must prioritize safety, especially cardio equipment with moving parts. Make sure there are fixed handrails and a sturdy surface for harder workouts. The emergency clip on many treadmills can be used to stop the belt in the event of a fall.


The running deck of a treadmill will typically be smaller the more compact it is. For those who intend to use their treadmill for walking or even light jogging, this is not a problem. But before you consider the size of the treadmill itself, you might want to consider the size of the running deck if you’re a runner, a taller person, or enjoy high-intensity interval training. Running decks ideal for runners are roughly 20 inches wide by 60 inches long.


For walkers and runners alike, portability is important if you only have a small amount of room in your home for a treadmill. Today’s market is flooded with folding treadmills, several of which made our list, including the LifePro Pacer Folding treadmill. Other treadmills that cannot be folded are still made to be wheeled away after each workout. These still command a respectable amount of real estate, of course. Many folding treadmill options include hydraulic release mechanisms and one-touch folding.


The motor of a treadmill controls its top speed. A motor’s horsepower also affects responsiveness; a treadmill with a top speed of 12 mph will have more horsepower than one with a top speed of 8 mph. Consider this the time it takes a treadmill to adjust the speed and incline.

Bluetooth Connectivity

Additionally, Bluetooth is increasingly common on treadmill spec sheets worldwide, even for less expensive models. Bluetooth can be used on treadmills in a few different ways. For example, Bluetooth speakers built into some treadmills allow you to play music or other media. Others can connect to and communicate with your fitness app using Bluetooth, which allows it to transfer information back and forth and support tracking your fitness objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) the Best Treadmill For Home Use

1) Which treadmill is ideal for home use?

Budget, available space, and functionality are some of the important considerations. The best treadmill for your home won’t break the bank, fits perfectly in the area you have available, and has all the design features you could want to keep you inspired while working out. Some people prefer a specific device with no frills. In contrast, others may prefer a cutting-edge device outfitted with the newest technology, such as an HD touchscreen or smart technology integration. Another factor to think about is noise, as was previously mentioned.

2) How Do I Pick A Treadmill Between A Folding And A Regular One?

Everything comes down to space. If you don’t have the space to leave a regular treadmill out all the time, a folding option might be the best for you. Many folding treadmills on the market offer all of a standard treadmill’s power and special features. On the other hand, a desk treadmill, which is just the belt without a frame and can slide under a table or couch when you aren’t walking on it, might be the solution for you if you want a machine in your home but lack the space for even a folding treadmill.

3) Running on a Treadmill Versus Outdoors: Which Is Easier?

You wouldn’t believe it, but running on a treadmill is a little less difficult than running outside because you’re in a controlled environment. Unlike a bumpy road or difficult trail, there is no wind resistance, no need to avoid obstacles on the street, and the ground is completely level. Set the incline on your treadmill to at least 1% to more accurately mimic traditional road running.


Choosing a home treadmill with many brands vying for your business can be overwhelming. We sincerely hope this guidance and our treadmill comparison tool have assisted you in condensing your search.

However, do you need more guidance in choosing the best treadmill? To learn more about various well-balanced treadmills and get additional advice on selecting the best machine for your workout requirements, visit our best treadmills of the year page. If you’re thinking about getting an elliptical instead, check out our article  on the Top 5 best quiet treadmills.