How To Do Weighted Dips | Benefits of Weighted Dips

Do you want to learn how to do weighted dips? You have come to the right place, as we will share the steps you need to follow.

Weighted dips are excellent for targeting the triceps, shoulders, and chest. They help to build upper body strength, mass, and power. You can modify this exercise by adding weight to the individual’s body weight to increase the resistance and intensity.

In this article, we will explain the proper technique for performing weighted dips and provide tips for getting the most out of this exercise.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, this guide will help you to add weighted dips to your workout routine safely and effectively.

How do I do weighted dips and what are they?

Weighted dips are a compound exercise that primarily targets the triceps, shoulders, and chest. This exercise is a variation of the traditional dip exercise, where additional weight is added to the individual’s body weight to increase the resistance and intensity of the exercise.

The exercise is performed using parallel bars or dip bars. You can also do it using a dip station or even a bench. Weighted dips are achieved by lowering and raising the body with the arms while keeping the body straight and in control.

Weighted dips are an excellent exercise for building upper body strength, mass, and power and are often used in bodybuilding and strength training programs.

Steps on How To Do Weighted Dips

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Start by positioning yourself between the parallel bars or dip bars. Before doing the exercise, ensure the parallel bars are sturdy and at the correct height.
  2. Place your hands on the bars with your palms facing down and your fingers pointing forward. You should position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Keep your arms straight and lift yourself to the starting position with your arms fully extended and your body suspended above the bars. Make sure your body is straight from your shoulders to your ankles.
  4. Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping your body straight and in control. As you lower your body, keep your chest up and your shoulders back.
  5. Lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. This is the bottom of the movement and the point of maximum muscle activation.
  6. Push through your hands and straighten your arms to raise your body back to the starting position. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

-To increase the resistance and intensity of the exercise, you can add weight by holding a weight plate or a dip belt with weight plates. Make sure to use a weight appropriate for your fitness level and gradually increase it as you progress.
-Keep your body straight and avoid swinging or kipping, as this can put unnecessary stress on your shoulders and lower back.
-Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the movement. This will help you to maintain proper form and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
-You can also vary your grip and hand position to target different muscle groups, such as close-grip dips for the triceps or wide-grip dips for the chest.

Benefits of Weighted Dips

Weighted dips offer several benefits, including:

1. Increased upper body strength

Weighted dips are a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups, including the triceps, shoulders, and chest. Adding weight to the exercise increases the resistance and intensity, leading to improved upper body strength.

2. Increased muscle mass

Weighted dips work multiple muscle groups, which can increase muscle mass. The added weight provides a more significant stimulus for muscle growth.

3. Improved power

Weighted dips are a plyometric exercise, which means they involve explosive movement. By performing weighted dips, you can improve your power, which can benefit sports and other activities requiring explosive movements.

4. Improved functional strength

The weighted dips exercise simulates everyday movements, such as pushing or pulling and can help to improve your functional strength.

5. Increased core stability

The exercise requires you to keep your core engaged throughout the movement. This helps to increase core stability and improve overall body control.

6. Greater muscle activation

Weighted dips allow for greater muscle activation than bodyweight dips, leading to greater muscle growth.

Safety Tips When Doing Weighted Dips

Weighted dips are a challenging exercise that can lead to injury if not performed correctly. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when performing weighted dips:

1. Start with proper form

Make sure to start with good form, keeping your body straight and your core engaged throughout the movement. This will help prevent injury and ensure that you target the correct muscle groups.

2. Use the right equipment

Use parallel bars or sturdy dip bars at the correct height. Make sure the equipment is in good condition and has no loose parts.

3. Gradually increase weight

Start with your body or lightweight, and gradually increase the weight as you become stronger. Avoid using too much weight, as this can lead to injury.

4. Warm up and stretch

Always warm up and stretch before performing weighted dips. This will help to prevent injury and increase your range of motion.

5. Listen to your body

If you feel pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and rest. If the pain persists, consult a doctor or physical therapist.

6. Avoid overtraining

Avoid overtraining by giving your muscles enough time to rest and recover between workouts.

7. Proper breathing

Proper breathing is crucial when performing weighted dips. Exhale as you push up, and inhale as you lower your body.

8. Use proper equipment

If you are using a weight belt or chains, make sure that they are securely fastened and that the weight is evenly distributed.

Following these safety tips can help prevent injury and ensure you get the most out of your weighted dip workout.


In conclusion, weighted dips are a great exercise for targeting the triceps, shoulders, and chest. They can help to build upper body strength, mass, and power.

You can modify the exercise by adding weight to the individual’s body weight to increase the resistance and intensity. It’s important to start with proper form, keep your core engaged, and use a weight appropriate for your fitness level.

Remember to warm up and stretch before performing the exercise, listen to your body, avoid overtraining and use the proper equipment.

By following these tips, you can safely and effectively add weighted dips to your workout routine. As always, consult your doctor or a qualified trainer before starting any new exercise program.

If you’re looking to buy a good dip stand, check out our Top 5 Best Dip Stands on the Market.